Ads For Login Screen?

by Pixeleen Mistral on 23/10/06 at 12:26 pm

Will LL sell space on the login page?

By Fiend Ludwig

Don’t web pages usually include ads?

Re: Second Life 1.12.3(1 & 2) Beta

Josh Linden Says: “… – there’s a shiny new web-based login screen! “But Josh,” you ask, “aren’t you Lindens supposed to be fixing bugs instead of adding flashy features to the viewer?” Good question! We think that having a live feed of data visible even before you log in will help us communicate news and grid status more effectively.”

Fiend Ludwig says: “… – there’s a shiny new web-based login screen! … I think that having a live feed of data visible even before you log in will help Linden Lab sell space to advertisers while residents wait to log in communicate news and grid status more effectively.”

5 Responses to “Ads For Login Screen?”

  1. Prokofy Neva

    Oct 23rd, 2006

    Let the record show that running dog of capitalism P. Neva suggested this very thing in this very same thread:

    prokofy Says:
    October 21st, 2006 at 8:20 pm

    The blog links is already too push-media. This is just pushed way over the top now having it in our faces on the log-in screen.

    I’d rather have you sell ad space on the log-in screen.

  2. Jeremiah North

    Oct 23rd, 2006

    I’m not too worried about the login screen. But will in-world advertising for out-world things be something we see in the future? Are there enough avatars in SL to justify a real company spending any ad bucks here? I don’t think so just yet, although SL seems to be the new black right now. There’s always something newer coming down the pike though.

  3. jrrdraco oe

    Oct 23rd, 2006

    I do not mind having ads at the opening screen, actually I have played games with advertising as loading screens (imagine ad while you are teleporting from one sim to another) If ads are themed and moderated I don´t think it is a bad thing.
    I mean by moderated, light ads not stuff with magenta blinks or full screem zoomed picture of Philip´s face like the one that could be seen across the shopping mall.

  4. I think it’s a very good idea to sell some space on the login screen for advertising, like it is shown in the mockup. I would suggest to use a little more of the available space for advertising, though.

    @Jeremiah: Advertising is part of our world. I would not mind seeing adverts for RL brands in SL. In some cases I would actually prefer well done ads to those which we currently can see inworld. Inworld advertising is in a very sorry state currently. It can only be improved.

  5. Codeine.


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